Wow, we have made such amazing progress since I returned to Vermont 4 months ago! I never would have guessed that African Empowerment Project would have advanced this far since my initial visit to Tanzania a little over a year ago! Thanks to all who played a part in bringing us to this place!
African Empowerment Project now has a CEO and four directors of the board, (bios to come soon!) We have established our mission, vision, and principles. The development of our business plan has lead us to the generation of very clear goals, which in turn has lead to our first 3 projects, 'Life Lines'. As the CEO, I could not be more pleased and excited with the evolution of AEP and the prospects for our future!
Mission Statement:
African Empowerment Project is committed to implementing and nurturing community run development projects to empower the people of Africa to build a sustainable life for themselves and future generations.
Company Vision:
African Empowerment Project serves the communities of Africa by creating opportunities for income development, improving access to quality education, and promoting the advancement of health and wellbeing. AEP will initially be working closely with the Community Based Organization in Mnang’ole, Tanzania, to accomplish their specific needs related to these issues. When these projects are complete we will use our project development model as a template for future villages across Tanzania and beyond, each with their own specific needs.
Company Principles:
African Empowerment Project believes that every person has the right to education, income, and health and well-being. We understand the importance of empowerment and will always work closely with the local Community Based Organizations to facilitate and promote the process, and assist in the financial support of each community driven project. Our efforts will be achieved with sensitivity to cultural heritage, respect of human rights, transparent business conduct, and through environmentally friendly practices.
Three Prong Business Goals and Objectives
Income Development Objective is to support new and existing business ventures. Our goals will include, but are not limited to: Small business ventures, microloans, and improving sustainable farming practices.
Access to Education Objective is to provide resources, which aim to further develop the access to, quality of, and appreciation for a well-rounded education. Our goals will include, but are not limited to: Supporting teachers with resources and training, working with villagers to ensure that all children are able to attend primary and secondary school, and providing volunteers to aid in the achievement of these goals.
Health and Wellbeing Objective is to improve standards and conditions of health and wellbeing through localized access to clean water, healthcare, sanitation, nutrition, renewable energy sources, and civic education. Our goals will include, but are not limited to: Sanitation projects, digging wells, building hospitals, hygienic, nutritional, social and civic education programs, as well as education of, coupled with introduction to renewable energy sources.
AEP Projects - AEP 'Life Lines'
We are also developing projects and campaigns to support the three prongs of our objectives. These are literally AEP’s three ‘Life Lines’ for Mnang’ole, Tanzania.
Our first ‘Life Line’ to meet the Access to Education Goal is:
‘Light for Life’
Mnang’ole is a village with no electricity. It also is located so close to the equator that the sun goes down at around 6 pm all year round. The only source of light available to the villagers is kerosene lanterns. For many, this is not an option, as they do not have the extra funds to purchase the kerosene. For those who cannot afford the kerosene, the children are not able to complete their homework, and families are not able to be productive after 6 pm.
For those who are able to purchase the kerosene, there are a few more issues.
The money spent on kerosene could be used for school uniforms, books, and supplies for the children, or food for the family. Beyond the expenses, are the safety, health, and environmental issues related to the use of kerosene.
Our solution:
Create an educational program about the financial, health, safety, and environment issues related to the use of Kerosene as well as the benefits of solar energy. Then introduce every family in Mnang’ole to the beauty of this renewable energy source by providing each household with one solar lantern. This campaign allows for donors to provide a household with a solar lantern for as little as $10 per family. We also will be working closely with the local community to develop this ‘kerosene vs. solar energy’ education program for Mnang’ole, to empower members of our local community to make a difference in the lives of the Global Community.
Our first ‘Life Line’ to meet the Health and Wellbeing Goal is:
’50 for Life’
Simply put, the people of Mnang’ole walk 3.5 hours a day, the majority of the year, to gather water contaminated with life threatening bacteria. Last year alone, 8 people in Mnang’ole died from waterborne diseases and numerous others were treated at the closest hospital for serious water related illnesses. Besides the health issues related to Mnang’ole’s only water source, is the time and productivity lost, due to the distance the women and children must walk to gather the water. Some months of the year, there is a 1 – 2 hour wait on top of the 3.5 hour travel time. For this reason, the young girls often do not attend school.
So what can be done about this?
It’s quite simple; there are close to 1000 people in Mnang’ole and it will cost approximately $50,000 to drill a well in this community including the cost of solar energy source to power the pump. If you do the math, that works out to $50 per individual, to provide each person in Mnang’ole with clean, accessible water for life. We have begun a sponsorship campaign that allows a donor to sponsor one person in Mnang’ole with ‘Water for Life.’ We will also be working with American schools on campaigns that will provide our children with global education, as well as opportunities to make a difference in the lives of families who live half way across the world.
We will soon announce the ‘Life Line’ to meet the Income Development Goal:
Stay tuned!
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